I've worked in the credit card debt settlement profession for nearly a decade and have helped thousands of individuals find their way out of debt. I will note right away that this will be a lengthy piece because I will go over what credit card debt negotiation is, the benefits of the process, the drawbacks of the procedure, and the distinctions between how a debt negotiation organization works vs. a legal firm. There are significant variances in crucial aspects of the debt negotiation process, and it is critical to understand these distinctions before making a decision.
I'd also want to point out that this method is not for everyone; some individuals just lack the financial wherewithal to make it happen, while others lack the correct mindset.
To begin, what exactly is the debt negotiating process? This is the process of negotiating past-due accounts in order to reduce the amount owed from the original balance; the benefits of doing so include saving money on what is owed (in many cases, debtors save up to half of what they owe) and getting out of debt much faster than paying monthly minimum payments.
You'll see that I mentioned "negotiating on past-due debts." For creditors to be willing to negotiate on an account, you must fall behind. Why would they accept less than what you owe if you are current? When you only pay the bare minimums, they have you exactly where they want you. Many refer to this as the "credit treadmill," or the loop of making monthly minimum payments at exorbitant interest rates; these schemes are designed to trap clients in debt for more than three decades and lose at least five times the original total in interest alone. As a result, the idea that you may get out of debt in 2-4 years through debt negotiation is a huge motivator for many people who are caught in this situation.
Unfortunately, many borrowers are terrified of falling behind on their payments. Naturally, if you fall behind on your credit card payments, your credit score will suffer; there is no way around it. The cost of saving thousands of dollars on your debt is a momentarily lower credit score. Now, I say temporarily because the harm is not permanent, and if you begin negotiating and demonstrate that you owe no more credit card debt, your score will automatically return. Your "debt to credit ratio," which accounts for around one-third of your credit score, will be considerably better when you pay off your bills.
This takes me to the point where a credit card debt settlement law business may provide a radically different and more advantageous service than a typical corporation; because the majority of the benefits a law firm can provide deal with the negative consequences of falling behind on these accounts.
One of the bad consequences of falling behind on payments is that creditors will seek to collect the debt, which means they will phone and harass you, the debtor. For the first several months after falling behind on payments, the debt remains with the original creditor, and no one can legally prevent them from phoning to collect the amount. However, things can change after the original creditor transfers the account to a third-party collector. If you have a law firm representing you, they will tell the collector that you have been retained. According to the FDCPA (Fair Debt Collections Practices Act), at this stage the collector is not permitted to contact you and must only interact with the law firm. This is a significant benefit that can significantly lower the amount of collection action you will face while going through the debt settlement process.
A normal debt settlement firm lacks the legal authority to prohibit collection calls. They will frequently instruct you to go write stop and desist letters on your own time, which is the limit to which they will assist you with calls. Any companies who are not law firms and claim to be able to halt calls are not giving you the truth and should be avoided.
Another disadvantage of being past due is the chance of being sued. In order to recover the debt, the creditors have the legal power to take you to court. However, you must comprehend that this is not their usual line of action; it simply costs too much money and time to take you to court with no promise of success.
Nonetheless, a lawsuit is a possibility, and you should check all of your bases before making any major financial decisions. If you engaged a law firm, they will still have the legal right to contact the opposing collectors' attorney and negotiate a settlement, avoiding the need for you to appear in court. Collectors prefer this method because they know they will receive money without having to go to court. On the other hand, if you employ a normal debt negotiation organization, they will be unable to legally help you if you are sued; they cannot provide legal advice or contact the opposing attorney to work out a settlement. You will be on your own to figure out what to do, and you may wind up with a judgment. This is a significant advantage that a legal firm has over a corporation.
This following point is critical to comprehend; many individuals do not and end up finding out the hard way. This has to do with how the organization is set up to function in accordance with your state's debt negotiation rules and regulations. The great majority of regular debt settlement organizations are not properly set up to operate in all states, and many of them are not even properly set up to operate in their own state. This can cause major issues for their clients! Why? Because the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) has been harshly clamping down and rapidly closing down debt negotiation organizations that are not properly set up. When this occurs, the firm sometimes lacks the finances to repay its clients' payments for services that they will no longer be able to provide. People are still in debt, with no one to negotiate on their behalf, and have lost thousands of dollars in fees in some situations.
When you choose a legal company, they will be in compliance with all state laws in order to carry out the discussions correctly; they will also have a solid working understanding of how the laws function in your specific state, which many national debt negotiation businesses do not. Please do not fall into this nightmarish scenario; it might be the difference between losing money and having to file for bankruptcy or effectively obtaining debt independence through credit card debt settlement.
Visit: https://alleviatefinancial.com/debt-negotiation-services/
Another thing to maintain mind is that a legal practice must provide full information to potential clients. That is, they must completely explain both the good and bad aspects of credit card debt negotiation before thoroughly reviewing your unique financial circumstances to evaluate whether this is the best approach for you.
Many debt negotiation firms just go on and on about how amazing their program will be, without mentioning any of the potential drawbacks. This is frequently what gives the debt negotiating sector a poor name.
I know I've been focused on the bad sides of credit card debt negotiation because I believe it's vital for people to see the complete picture; yet, this procedure is assisting millions of individuals in escaping a financial nightmare. People, especially given the current situation of the economy, are in desperate need of saving as much money as they can and getting out of debt as soon as possible in order to go forward in life. And the facts are that credit card debt settlement, when done correctly, may save you a lot of money and get you out of debt quickly. Imagine being able to keep all of the money you put out each month for minimum payments in your pocket. What difference would that create in your life?
As I previously stated, I have been in this profession for about a decade and presently work for an incredible legal company with a long history and an excellent BBB rating. Whether you want an upfront and honest assessment of your circumstances to determine if this is the correct fit of consumer debt relief for you, fill out an application using the link below in the signature file. I will go over how this procedure works and whether you are an excellent candidate in great detail. I hope that after reading this post, you are better informed about how this process works and what to look for when interviewing organizations to potentially assist you.
Alleviate Financial Solutions negotiates debt settlement solutions to assist consumers by negotiating with your creditors on your behalf so that you can pay less on the current amount you owe and in less time.
🎧 Podcast: https://pod.co/podcastlive/top-tips-to-help-with-credit-card-debt
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